About Pretium Private School

The word Pretium means value, achievement and acknowledgement, which can be interpreted as follows:

That the student will learn values based on the Bible that will lead them to achieve top marks and results. For this they will get acknowledgement from parents, teachers and God.

Pretium Private Schools Pty Ltd is the holding company of all Pretium Private Schools, and is the market leader in the provision of quality private school education in South Africa.

Operated by a management team that has a wealth of experience in the field of education, the company’s role is to establish new private schools and to provide ongoing support for its existing schools.  The result is a sustainable level of excellence in teaching the leaders of tomorrow. 

Pretium was born in 2014. The company will continue to expand, offering quality education and worthwhile opportunities to many learners across our country. Pretium is becoming a force to be reckoned with, not losing sight of its passion namely excellent education.

At Pretium we strive towards excellence, instil positive values and norms, empower our learners and invest in human potential, but above all else – we love children.

Pretium aims to provide its learners with sustainable and outstanding education.  We guide our learners to not only attain and develop knowledge and skills, but to creatively understand the curriculum content in order to successfully apply it to their daily lives.

Pretium Private Schools prepare them for further training and affords them the opportunity to become fully fledged adults.

AT Pretium Private Schools WE OFFER

A Balanced and stable educational environment characterised by:


We write the Department of Education Examination through SAKAI

Yes we offer:

  • Athletics
  • Netball
  • Rugby
  • Cross country
  • Chess (part of the curriculum)

Please review the School enrolment policy and process section.

We only provide aftercare but no holiday care. Please email: admin@pretiumprivateschools.com for more information.

Early Childhood Development Centres:  3 years to the year in which children turn 4.
Pre-Primary: Gr RR and Gr R for children turning 5 and 6 respectively.
Primary School / Foundation Phase: Gr 1 to Gr 3.
Primary School / Intermediate Phase: Gr 4 to Gr 6.
High School / Senior Phase: Gr 7 to Gr 9.
High School / FET (Further Education and Training) Phase: Gr 10 to Gr 12.

As prescribed by the Department of Education we will be doing CAPS with all its requirements. As part of the curriculum process, children will develop the required knowledge, skills and boldness, needed to play a full part in our diverse rapidly changing society.

The school also provides:

  • Singapore Maths and
  • Science
  • Focus on handwriting (English, Afrikaans and spelling)
  • Bible study
  • Dance classes (Ballet and Gymnastics)
  • Robotics
  • Chess

Pretium Private Schools are English and Afrikaans dual medium.

School fees are available on request.

According to law, all private schools must register at their local provincial education departments. All our schools are registered or are in the process of being registered. This process is time consuming, because facilities must be created and staff must be employed first before the process may commence. All private schools must also be accredited by Umalusi, the Council for Quality Assurance in General & Further Education and Training.