School Fees 2025



(Not refundable)

Yearly Fee


School registration fee per annum (per learner) Gr RRR–12 (includes worksheets/workbooks for year) must be paid before 10 January 20251200

* School fees are payable in advance on or before the 2nd of each month over 12 months. Interest of 10 % will be charged on accounts that are behind.


Grade Monthly (R) Yearly Fee (R)
Grade RRR-RR (3–4 Years) – must be potty trained 1 800 21 600
Grade R (5–6 Years) 1 900 22 800
Grade 1–3 1 900 22 800
Grade 4–7 1 900 22 800
Grade 8–9 2 000 24 000
Grade 10–11 2 500 30 000
Grade 12 (for 11 months) 3 000 33 000


Service Monthly Fee (R)
Aftercare all grades until 18:00 700
Late fetching of students after 18:00 100
Per day fee (notify school one day in advance) 40

Additional Costs

These additional costs are not part of the monthly school fees.

  • Grade 9 compulsory aptitude test in term 3: +/- R850
  • Grade 10 veld school in Term 4: +/- R4 000
  • Grade 6 and 11 prefect camp in Term 4: +/- R2 000
  • School outing to in term 4: +/- R450

Uniform, scripts, stationery, photos and other outings not included in school fees, are for parents account. Refunds on accounts will only be done after bank charges have been deducted.

Banking details

Account holder: Pretium Private Schools (Pty) Ltd

Nedbank Current Account

Account number: 1083764152

Branch code: 155345